We take the guess work out of buying penis enlargement pills by reviewing all the top products on one site and giving you all the information you need to decide which ones are the best fit for you. We've reviewed over 100 male enhancement capsules and from that we've been able to determine which penis pills work best for the majority of men. You can expect many benefits from taking a doctor-approved penis enhancement capsule.
Penis Enlargement Pills Produce Many Benefits:
There are literally hundreds of penis enlargement capsules available and not surprisingly, they all claim to be "the #1 penis enhancement pill". With so much information available online, it often makes it harder to find out the truth about products you're interested in. Many "review sites" only actually recommend one product - and it's the one they manufacture or sell!
We've compiled an honest and unbiased list of the most effective enhancement pills and what results you can expect from each. We don't sell or manufacture any of the products we review so - unlike most sites - we can give you factual information that is independent and unbiased.
We rate penis enlargement capsules using several criteria including customer testimonials, safety, value, medical studies, customer service, money back guarantees, and - most importantly - which ones produce the best results. We assign a final score to each product based on this criteria and customer feedback to generate a user rating. We hope you find these reviews helpful in finding the male enhancement product that's right for you.
Manufactured By: Product Review: Prolixus Capsules are produced by Living Life LLC and sold through their website at www.prolixus.com. According to the Prolixus website, Prolixus was designed by 3 med students to increase penis width and thickness. Prolixus offers a "no-questions asked" 60-Day money back guarantee. Prolixus Product Claims:
Expected Results: It's unclear what results, if any, men can expect with Prolixus Capsules. Despite the many claims made on the website, they don't even mention the ingredients in Prolixus - which is totally unacceptable in our opinion. Because our consumer recommended penis pills provide much more dramatic results for increased penis size, improved erectile function, and overall sexual performance, it makes it extremely hard to recommend Prolixus as a top choice for men.
----> Visit Prolixus Site ----> Order Prolixus Capsules Now
Compare Prolixus to VigRX Plus
Prolixus capsules are a new addition to the male enhancement industry, having only been introduced a short time ago. We have been reviewing male enhancers for almost a decade and we only became aware of Prolixus just recently. Prolixus is not a penis enlargement formula, but sold as a capsule to "widen your penis" and improve sexual performance. If you're looking to achieve a bigger penis you'll need to try a formula like VigRX Plus or Prosolution Pills. Prolixus is marketed as an enhancer to "stretch" the tissue and create a "wider, thicker penis". From the Prolixus website:
"Amazing New Male Enhancement Technology Breakthrough Discovered by Three Former Medical University Students AVAILABLE NOW IN THE UNITED STATES The ONLY Tissue Stimulating Formula in the World with Clinically Tested Ingredients Driving Those Lazy Tissue Fibers To Become Active- Providing “Wall-to-Wall” Performance and “Side-to-Side Coverage WITHOUT the uncertainty and dangers of surgeries WHILE Improving the quality of your sex.
"Provide Body Shaking Ecstasy For Her BY STRETCHING THOSE WALLS WITH YOUR THICK and WIDE PENIS!! Watch Her Mouth Gape Open At Your Point of Entry and Listen To Her Enjoy Your New Found Fullness. Imagine the reputation You’ll have when she can’t keep it to herself anymore and tells her friends about your size and how you reached places nobody ever reached inside her."
Unfortunately, Prolixus has several shortcomings as a male sexual enhancer and these make it very hard to recommend Prolixus as a product that offers good value for men. One of the biggest problems is that Prolixus does not disclose what ingredients are in this product. We never recommend any product that fails to disclose it's ingredients, as not only is this unsafe, but it makes it impossible to tell if you're getting a good quality male enhancement formula for the money. If you're looking for a quality male sexual enhancer, check out our user rated top enhancers for men, but unfortunately we feel that Prolixus is not a good choice for men looking for guaranteed results from a sexual enhancer.
We provide the following information regarding Prolixus, but please be aware that some of this information was provided by the Prolixus website, and we can't confirm the accuracy of every claim or testimonial. The fact that Prolixus does not reveal it's ingredients gives us cause for concern that this company is not giving full disclosure about this product.
According to the website, Prolixus offers a "no questions asked" 60-day money back guarantee.
Take 2 Prolixus capsules daily - monthly supply is 60 capsules.
"My husband loves the fact that I can’t stop staring ever since he’s been using Prolixus. He says it turns him on just watching me looking in disbelief every time. Your product has made our sex life hotter than ever." - Lauren W. - Richmond VA
Unfortunately, Prolixus does not disclose the ingredients in this product.
Side Effects of Prolixus are currently unknown, and since no one knows what's in Prolixus, it's nearly impossible to attest to the safety or effectiveness of this product.
Current Prolixus Free Bonuses:
Prolixus is not doctor approved or recommended.
Prolixus Standard Shipping is $9.95.
Prolixus is available to order online through the product website. Ordering options are limited as you CAN NOT order by mail, fax, phone, or any other method other than online.
Prolixus capsules are definitely not one of the stronger male enhancement products available for men. While Prolixus is sold as a product to "thicken and widen" the penis, there is no evidence to show that it actually works as claimed. Contrary to what Prolixus would have you believe, the leading enhancement formulas have clinical trials proving they will increase erection length and width, and Prolixus offers no medical proof that it will work as claimed. Prolixus is not doctor recommended and according to the website, Prolixus was designed by "3 Med Students who aspired to be doctors." - NOT very reassuring!
Prolixus is certainly not the best choice for men - especially compared to leading penis enhancement capsules like VigRX Plus and Prosolution Pills. We must caution men that Prolixus does not disclose its ingredients, making it impossible to verify the safety (or effectiveness) of this product. We can't recommend spending $80-$300 on a product that has no proven ingredients and could possibly be bought at a health food store for a few dollars. Maybe there are quality ingredients in Prolixus, but we feel that if this were the case they would be happy to reveal the ingredients in Prolixus.
Prolixus capsules do come with a good 60-day guarantee, unfortunately this is the only good thing we could find about this product. We have seen no evidence this product will provide any results, and there is no way of knowing what's in this product - which makes it actually quite unsafe. Most penis enhancement formulas are extremely safe, and that's why we would encourage men to stick to a male enhancer that's been proven effective, known to be safe, and from a reputable company that's been around for years - and none of these apply to Prolixus.
There are several superior products available made by companies who have been around for many years and have a proven track record of results. We find it extremely hard to recommend Prolixus when there are several safer, more effective, and more affordable options readily available. Our customer feedback indicates a user rating of #31 for Prolixus, far behind the top male enhancement products. Compare Prolixus to the #1 consumer rated pill.
Millions of men have already used penis enlargement capsules to dramatically increase their penis size and sexual stamina, improve erectile function, and provide more satisfaction and pleasure for themselves and their partner. While Prolixus capsules are not a great choice for men, there are several other products other than Prolixus that have provided dramatic results for men looking to increase penis size and improve their sexual performance.
All of our consumer recommended products have proven repeatedly that they work - through numerous clinical trials and overwhelming positive feedback from the men who've used them. We encourage you to learn more about the top rated penis enhancement capsules and start enjoying the benefits of increased penis length and girth, improved stamina and erection control, and elevated sexual performance.
See the Consumer #1 Top Rated Penis Pill